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Contact Us


We host tours of our green burial ground by appointment only.

Please contact us in advance to let us know that you would like to visit.


White Eagle is based at Ekone Ranch, which also hosts summer camps and other programming.

If you arrive without notice, we may not be able to host your visit.

We beseech you to follow our website directions, not your GPS or maps app, in order to reach us smoothly. We are out in the boondocks and maps apps aren't always accurate out here... we don't want you getting lost!


If you are interested in learning more about natural burial, please reach out to us with your questions! We can also offer presentations about green burial to your community group or organization, and are happy to be a resource for questions of all kinds.


We are always looking for Cemetery Interns - Interns help with grave preparation, burial and tour support, and grave maintenance. The internships run from 2-6 months, with room and board at Ekone Ranch and a grave digging stipend. Interns help with Ranch and Lodge chores, and garden and forestry projects, in addition to Cemetery needs.

For more information about our internship program, please fill out this internship application and we will contact you to see what might be possible.


White Eagle Memorial Preserve Cemetery at Ekone Ranch (WEMP)
401 Ekone Rd
Goldendale, WA 98620


General Inquires and Tours: Reach our Cemetery Director Jodie directly - 206-383-3285  whiteeagle(at)

(cell reception can delay message retrieval occasionally—texts get through more quickly to this number, and then Jodie will call you back!)
Ekone Ranch Office: 509-773-4536

White Eagle Memorial Preserve
a Natural Burial Ground at Ekone Ranch

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